Join your guide Julianne for an 8-week online yoga series delivered to you in the comfort of your own home. Each class, participants will be guided to create a sacred space in which to stretch, rest, breathe, meditate and reconnect to self and the present moment. This series will support participants in moving through the transition from winter to early spring by focusing on meridian stretches aligned with the seasonal element that support restoration, deep listening and releasing blocked emotions. Guided meditation and visualization along with suggested essential oils will be offered to support students in aligning with self and the ability to create spaciousness during the season of restoration in a world that is increasingly loud and competing for our attention.
TIME Mondays 6 - 7pm
DATES February 10 - April 7 ( no class March 17th)
LOCATION Live on Zoom or asynchronously by video link
COST Sliding scale - recommended range is $88 - $264
That works to be $11 per class on the lower end - $33 per class on the upper end.
Please select an amount that feels comfortable to you - no questions asked.
HOW TO REGISTER Fill in the form on the “class” page and then send payment separately
HOW TO PAY by etransfer direct deposit to or PAYPAL