Living Maps Alchemical Yoga is a system developed by interdisciplinary artist, curator, senior yoga teacher and former professional acupuncturist Julie Gladstone with over 20 years teaching experience and a commitment to ongoing learning. Living Maps offers a unique system of practice that integrates the energetic and spiritual maps offered by various traditional holistic and wisdom traditions. Julie has taught yoga at the McGill Medical School and was the personal trainer for the McGill Woman’s rugby team in 2007. She also taught yoga to youth at risk and to teachers through the Montreal School Board. In 2010 Julie founded Starving Artist Yoga and established her commitment to offering affordable PWYC classes to Toronto’s creative community in various studios in the GTA. In 2017, Julie opened Gallery 555 a multidisciplinary art gallery, yoga studio and healing arts centre in the Annex. Julie holds certification in Yoga Teacher Training from the Chakra Yoga Centre, Victoria, BC, 2001, received her diploma of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine from Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine Academy in 2012 and is a registered (Inactive) member of the CTCMPO. Julie is also a Reiki practitioner who incorporates essential oils, flower essences, dream work and acupressure massage into her sessions. Julie has been a member of the alchemical healing community A New Possibility since 2012 with ongoing mentorship in Alchemical Healing with Lorie Dechar. She has studied Mindfulness Meditation with Sarah and Ty Powers, Michael Stone and Vipasana. Julie is a graduate of the Interdisciplinary Art, Media and Design program at OCAD University (2022). Julie is based in Etobioke, Canada with her husband and 4 year old daughter Skye Rose.

Alchemical Yoga begins with arriving in the present moment. Working with the breath, the body, open awareness, intuition, compassion and humour, together we create a safe vessel for presence and connection. Through community, mindfulness and following the cycles of the season, the phases of the moon and our body’s internal energetic pathways, each class is a journey through our spiritual anatomy using the energetic maps from the Chakra system and the Meridian system. Living Maps yoga is a fusion of Traditional Yoga with Traditional Chinese Medicine, 5 Elements, Mindfulness Meditation, Taoist Alchemy, Earth based wisdom traditions, intuition and creativity