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Light & Blossom Yoga Series

As the Summer Solstice approaches, join Living Maps for an 8 week summer yoga series designed around the energetics of the season; blossoming, light filled days, opening, expansion, flying, connection and infinite possibilities. Each week we will meet on Zoom at 6:30pm EST for an hour of yin yoga, hatha yoga, chakra meditation, guided visualizations and essential oil with acupoint combinations with a focus on the Fire Element and the corresponding Heart Meridians and Chakra system. If you are unable to join for the live class, each week will be recorded and shared via video link. The classes are intuitive and restorative, designed to increase connection to our own inner guidance system, to the wisdom of the natural world, to the astrological and lunar cycle, to our own inherent creativity and our ability to connect with others through vulnerability and appropriate boundaries. Most importantly, this practice helps us get back into our bodies, breathing and releasing the stress and tension of the week, reconnecting to our own inner light and our ability to blossom.

Light & Blossom Yoga Series

June 5th - July 24th, 2023 (8- week series)

Mondays 6:30 - 7:30pm

via ZOOM (or asynchronously by video link)

8 - week series is offered on a sliding scale ( recommended range $88 - $260 )

  • registration includes weekly email with lunar cycle info, astrological tidbits and alchemical artwork

  • acupoint diagrams with essential oils and indications

  • access to the livingmaps facebook group and community

  • unlimited access to all videos

  • journaling prompts

    Registration is now open! Please fill in the form on the class page and submit payment by

  • etransfer autodeposit to:

  • Paypal

March 20

Spring Equinox Yoga Journey

September 18

The Healing Circle | Alchemical Yoga Series