The Earth Element & Deep Nourishment
Our Earth Element inspired alchemical yoga series starts this coming Monday.
Aligning with the transition into the autumn season with the Autumnal Equinox on Saturday September 23rd brings with it longer nights and the beginning of an inward turning, more introspective and nurturing energy that is about connecting with our own centre through grounding practices.
In the body, the Earth Element is represented as a horizon line where spirit and matter meet in the body at the level of our belly button - the site of the umbilical cord which once connected us to a constant source of nourishment when we lived in the womb space. That type of deep nurturing and nourishment that we received in the womb, gets at the type of space I would like us to cultivate together in our weekly meetings.
Autumn is the season of the Earth element and is related to the Harvest, to bounty and abundance. It is related to the Spleen and Stomach organs and Meridians in the body and the Manipura Chakra. Together we will explore these energetic pathways through meridian stretching, visualization, acupoints and essential oils to discover their role in digestion, and the integration of nature's harvest into our beings. In this sense, the earth element is about connecting to the source of our food, as well as our interconnectedness with the earth as our Mother, and discovering ways to lean into those connections.
On the mental emotional level, the earth element is often associated with the mind, and the relationship between nourishment, digestion and mental processes. Worry, rumination, ungroundedness, lack of focus, lack of confidence, overwhelm, obsessiveness, lack of sympathy and empathy, poor personal boundaries, these are all shadow aspects of the Earth Element.
The Alchemical virtue of working with the earth Element is to connect with the quality of Intentionality, and the magical ability to transform food matter through our digestive processes into energy, paired with clarity of purpose, intention and the nurturing care of a gardener tending daily and lovingly to their garden, so as to express our true nature amd manifest our inspirations in the physical realm.
My intention in holding space with these weekly circles is to provide a still place in our week where we can connect with our hearts and bodys, process our emotions and experiences in a safe container. The practice is meant to be nourishing and supportive. Each week I will share prompts for inner reflection and suggestions for explorations in nature. Feel free to integrate these practices into your week to deepen your experience, but I never want you to feel pressured or guilty so if all you're able to do is to show up each week to practice, that is the most important piece. Even if you just show up and rest for an hour, the intention, repetition and commitment are the most important parts of our work together.
Sharing is Caring Do you know someone who you think would enjoy joining the Healing Circle? Our community has grown largely through word of mouth and we always welcome new friends.
The Healing Circle | Alchemical Yoga EARTH SERIES starts this coming Monday Sept. 18th